Zoe’s 2nd Birthday

It was only a year ago . I remember the laughter and all the fun we had.It was so bright as the sun beat down on us . The sweat running down our faces. We were so cheerful.
Getting ready for the fun on the way.
We got our bathing suites on and ate pizza.

Us getting ready for the fun that was on the way.
We got to splash inn the water as they all came.Zoe, Cobi and me were all so joyful. I remember the tiny smiles on there faces.Just glad to be there with not a care in the world.We laugh and giggled and had a great time. We never wanted this day to end.
Even though our grandmother was not there and we really wished she was we still enjoyed the time we had Yet we were not bitter about her not getting to come.
After that she got to open her gifts . she loved them so much . After the party we when to see our grandmother.
Be glade with the time you spend with your family cause u don’t know if could have them tomorrow or not. Family is the best gift ever.

Prensident Poem

He served as American’s 5 persident from 1817to to1825

The last founding father was  this person.

He soon married eliabeth   Kontright .

Was easily elected .

James Monroe

July 4,1831

She died on this date.

Monroe own dozen of slaves during slarvy .

Many went to Washition to sterve.

Amazing events of my life

Back in 2013 lots of things happened here are the top 3 thing I  remember .

I remember this day like it was yesterday. It was a saturday in Octorber.

My brother when to the super bowl . I remember it it very well because it was amazing .A ll the fans were screaming things . When it was time they got to run out of the tunnle .Everyone was screaming and yelling with excitment.All the players were happy.The game was worth seeing.

 I could not wait to see how it would turn out.It was a nerve racking game . Even though they lost it was a good game

May 12,2013

My cousins frist birthday.

My couisns party was at my house .Early that morning my dad had to go get the  bouce house he rented for he party. My mom spent most of the mornig in the kitchen cooking the for the party.  At noon my cousin came in a  anxious and crabby mood  because it was nap time.  After nap time we put her Molly Bubble Guppies shirt and put on her to to .   Me and the baby Zoe got bounce for a little bit.  At 2:00  her guest stated to arrive .  I got to help sever the friendly guest.  We watch her open all her gifts .  Then we all enjoyed a peice of her 3 tier Bubble Guppies cake.We all had a lot of fun and had no trouble falling asleep  that night.

My first year of softball.

I got chosen to be one the best teams called The Jokers Wild .   I had a lot of friends on that team.  We had so much fun at games & pracite it was hard to tell which was which.

My 2014 goals.

My 1 st goal is to a pitcher in softball.  I would love to become a pitcher in softball  I fell  that if I work hard I will accomplish this.

My 2nd goal is to get better at softball.  I fell that if I actually hit a pop fly it will make me better.

One thing I will stop bitting my nails .  I feel that if I stop some of my problems .  Bitting my nails is bad I have seen and learned that. One I want be be better at is football.  4 New books I want to read a re Diary of a Wimpy kid.


Presidents call this day a rate that will live in infamy.

Einvolded the United States.

Attacked the United States By Japan.

Radford requested.

Love ones where lost.

Help other country [United States.]


Resting place.

Being attacked at 8:30 am.

On the middle were it happened  there is a mermorial.

Relized heros likeDoris Miller , James Richard and lts others